📁 〇三〇 LÍNG SĀN LÍNGPerformance in urbanen Räumen
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We seek empathy and emotional connection, a sharing of shared postmigrant, political and cultural practice with the audience.

Details The artist lab was divided into different core areas: In the first part, the artists invited protagonists of performing arts from a (pan)Asian diaspora to reflect on their experiences of cultural projects (dance, theater, performance, new music) and their connection with different audiences over the last three years. The focus of their joint evaluation of those projects were different ways of addressing diverse audiences (activist, political, spontaneous, etc.), which includes addressing people from different cultural backgrounds – such as the (pan)Asian diaspora with their different cultural and political backgrounds. They also reflected on a form of "crisis management" and on the structural development of a platform and network for people from the performing arts (music, performance, politics, society) with (pan)Asian backgrounds. 

In the second part of the artist lab, the participants gave insights into their own work in various workshops, after which they jointly ventured an outlook into the future, and translated the experiences of their reflections into practical impulses.

Participants: Peyee Chen, To Doan, Nina Guo, Dr. Kien Nghi Ha, Silvan Hagenbrock, Renu Hossain, Paul Hübner, Olivia Hyunsin Kim, Christian Kesten, Josefin Kwon, Sun-Young Nam, Thủy-Tiên Nguyễn, Quang Nguyen-Xuan, Ariel Orah, Ming Poon, Dan Su, Hang Su & Thu Hoài Tran